5 Tips for a Successful Shoot
Our team went on 152 shoots in 28 states and Canada last year. Different places, different people, different purposes. But you know what they almost always have in common? People who don’t want to be on camera — or at the very least — feel nervous about being on camera.
We’re here to help you feel more at ease with some tips for a successful shoot.
1. Be yourself. We (or our client) picked you for a reason! There’s no need to be more serious, polished — more anything than you are. Act natural to look natural.
2. Know that you can’t get in the way of the camera. If we set up to shoot, don’t worry about blocking a shot. Just carry on with the job at hand.
3. Check your clothes. Solids always look better than busy prints. Branded items are OK if they’re representing your brand but swap out any items promoting someone else’s.
4. Allow us to film basic chores or mundane tasks. It may seem boring to you, but it’ll help tell the story in an authentic way. And don’t rush to do everything before we get there, or you might have to do something twice.
5. Don’t worry about being perfect. This isn’t live TV. We can always reshoot and edit. Just have a regular conversation with us, as if the camera isn’t there.